
Showing posts from August, 2020

Facts About Google

Amazing Facts About Google If you type “Google Gravity” and hit I am feeling lucky on Google entire page will lose its gravity and you can play with it. The name Google was created accidentally. A spelling error was made by the original founders who were under the impression they were going for Googol. If you type “do a barrel roll” into your Google search, the whole page will spin. If you search for “askew” in Google, the content will tilt slightly to the right. If you type “z or r twice” into your Google search, the whole page will spin in 360 degree. Google’s “ I’m Feeling Lucky ” icon costs over $110 million per year, as it bypasses all advertising. The full form of Google is “Global Organization of Oriented Group Language of Earth”. If an employee of Google dies, their spouse will receive half their pay for 10 years as will as stock benefits, and children will receive $1000 a month until they turn 19. 92% of people type things into a Google to see if they spelled them correctly. I